Friday, December 4, 2009

Lucky Kitty's Co-Founder's Inspiration for the Kitty Kit

Jenna F. Co-Founder of Lucky Kitty Co.

In 2000, I packed my bags in North Carolina and headed West to LA, “ The Land of the Rich and Famous”. I, unlike anyone else before me (ha ha), had high hopes and dreams of becoming an actress. Like most everyone who wishes to succeed in that crazy world of show business, I had to keep my days free for auditions and classes and thus sought to work at night to pay the bills. So I joined the throngs of wanna-be actors in the service industry and became a bartender. For over six years I bar-tended at some of Hollywood’s hottest clubs, and WOW…I got a great insiders view of the hook-up scene! Through the years I saw hundreds of hook-ups unfold before my eyes, and it gave me some real insight into what people go through to get lucky, or not…

Ahh…the stories I could tell! Over that six year period I saw and heard some crazy and hilarious things. On a nightly basis girls would ask me if I had mints or gum behind the bar because they had met someone and wanted to drown out that garlic pasta dinner they had just had in the adjoining restaurant. LOTS of things happened behind closed doors in the ladies restroom; I once walked in on an inebriated girl who had one leg propped on the sink, a wad of paper towel, and was using soap from the hand dispenser to give herself a little freshening up. Nice right? I was also privy to tons of chatter between the bathroom stalls, such as “Holy crap that guy wants to take me home and I haven’t waxed in weeks!” Things like soft stubble free legs, fresh breath, and a fresh “hoo-ha” are important to us…we want to feel confident and sexy when we have an intimate encounter. I also have seen the inside of mens' wallets and how considerate they can be…NOT! Once a guy was paying for a drink and a condom fell out of his wallet when he was reaching his money. That thing looked older that he was! I am fairly sure condoms expire buddy, I thought to myself, "Way to offer protection!"

I didn’t realize the value of those crazy experiences at the time, but as they began to pile up, and as I started to realize how important it is for women to take control of their sexuality and their safety, the idea for Lucky Kitty came to fruition. My partner and I wanted to create a fun, cute and discreet way to solve many hook up disasters by giving women the solution to every potential tragedy in one little case. It is our job to be prepared…just in case he isn’t!

Jenna F, Lucky Kitty's Co-Founder's Inspiration for the Kitty Kit published by Lucky Kitty Co.

For more information about the Kitty Kit by Lucky Kitty Co visit

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